Friday, February 3, 2017

Mid-Century Kitchen with Molly Starlite: Episode 5 - Birthday Cake Exfoliating Scrub!

As a teenager - or pretty much all through my life - I was never prone to acne or anything; I was really lucky. That is, until I quit smoking several years ago. Then, I got really bad cystic acne that took forever to heal. I needed to find something to exfoliate and moisturize my skin that wouldn't break me out worse.

After a lot of trial and error, I finally hit on this recipe while messing around in the kitchen one night:
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
2 teaspoons solidified coconut oil
Vanilla extract

The sugar and vanilla work together to make this totally natural and edible paste taste like birthday cake, and the sugar works as a mild exfoliant to get rid of dead skin cells and dirt while the coconut oil is soothing and moisturizing! And as a lip scrub, this tasty concoction works wonders. I just saved some glass jars from my eye cream and fill them with this scrub. You can put the jars in your purse to exfoliate and scrub your lips anywhere, or keep it at your vanity for a quick pick-me-up for your face.

Watch me make it here:

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